How Solar Works
Homeowners have the opportunity to utilize the energy from the sun to power their homes. In fact, the sun produces enough energy in just one-hour to power the entire planet for an entire year. That’s a huge resource and it’s just waiting to be tapped!
We all know that the sun creates heat and light, but it can also be converted to create electricity – and lots of it. The most common technology is called solar photovoltaic or “PV.”
Sunlight is made up of tiny packets of energy called “photons.” These photons radiate out from the sun and can be collected on solar panels here on earth where they go through a photovoltaic process that converts that energy to DC Power. And it all happens at the speed of light - with no moving parts.
Here are the major components of a residential solar system:
THE PANELS – Solar panels have been around for years. Recent technological advances have dramatically increased solar panel efficiency and electrical output to the point where it just makes energy-sense for homeowners. The panels collect photons and convert them to “DC” (Direct Current) Power. The solar panels are typically mounted on the roof using solid aluminum racking components, but they can also be installed in ground mount configuration. In reality, there are very few applications wheresolar panels can’t be installed.
THE INVERTER - Because homes in the United States use “AC” Power (Alternating Current), an inverter is installed which converts the solar “DC” power into usable “AC” power for your home. The inverter is typically mounted on an outside wall near the electrical panel. If super high-efficiency microinverters are being installed, instead of a standard inverter, they are mounted to the solar panel racking system.
THE ELECTRICAL PANEL (EXISTING) – Once the inverter transforms the power from DC to AC, it is sent through your electrical panel for use in your home. Since a solar electric system typically generates more power during the day than what is actually used, the excess kilowatts (kWh) are sent through a “Net” Meter and stored on the utility grid. These become kilowatt “credits.” Once the sun sets and the homeowner needs to power up your home, they receive the kilowatt credits back at no charge. It’s that simple.
Call A PLUS SOLAR SOLUTIONS TODAY to get your Complimentary Design Consultation on your home!